dinsdag 5 november 2013

Really interesting paragraph in a book on control and ideology in organizations

Hi guys,

Today I take the word "Blogging" seriously by doing just that: "back logging". I have read a really interesting piece on the role of the internal communications expert within the organization. The words of this author are over 30 years old but still surprisingly newsworthy:

"If an organization is especially dependent upon the unity or support of its personnel it will again devote considerable resources to the intelligence function, in particular by employing 'internal communications experts'. The internal communications specialist supplies political and ideological intelligence the leader needs in order to maintain his authority." 
The exact reference of this paragraph is as follows:

WEEKS (David R.). Organizations and decision-making. In: SALAMAN (Graeme) & Thompson (Kenneth). Control and Ideology in Organizations. Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 1980, p. 204.

I do have a comment on this though: I think the author assumes a number of things without providing evidence from own empirical research or existing literature. I think there is a need to do just that.

Questions regarding this paragraph:

  • How to define how dependent an organization is on its employees? 
  • When do you speak of "considerable" resources? 
  • Which activities do you consider as being part of the "intelligence function"? 
  • Does an internal communications expert really provide mostly political and ideological intelligence? 
As you see, quite a few things still need to be looked at in closer detail. 

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